Hi there 👋 I'm
DevOps | Back-End Software Developer | Automation Enthusiast
take a look at my profileAbout Me
Proactive DevOps with 2+ years of experience working on cloud and on-premises environments.
As a DevOps, I am focused on automating the build and deployment processes to ensure faster and more reliable releases. I also automate infrastructure provisioning and management using Terraform to ensure consistent and repeatable deployments of cloud resources across different environments according to changing needs.
I have a strong background in automation, from using Ansible to install my workstation’s Linux system to using Python scripts to bootstrap the configuration of self-hosted solutions like Prometheus to monitor my home server.
My goals are to keep learning and growing, embrace new challenges in my role, provide innovative solutions to improve workflows, and collaborate with my team to create reliable and scalable systems.
When not working, I support open-source projects or share my knowledge through my blog at blog.jmorbegoso.dev.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Added Docker support for both Back-End and Front-End web projects.
- Optimized Dockerfiles for performance and security.
- Created Docker Compose files.
- Created Azure Pipelines to automate the process of building Docker images, package Helm charts, and IIS deployment packages.
- Configured multistage Azure Pipelines.
- Utilized Azure Pipelines tasks to execute Bash or PowerShell scripts that read variable values from project files, such as properties.json or appsettings.json in C# projects, for use within the pipeline.
- Configured multi-job Azure Pipelines to work on tasks that are not dependent on each other in parallel.
- Utilized GitHub Actions on open-source projects like checksum-utils.
- Utilized Azure DevOps to configure the Continuous Delivery, enabling automated deployment of applications across various environments (Kubernetes, Azure App Service, IIS).
- Configured self-hosted Azure DevOps agents and deployment groups.
- Migrated Jenkins Continuous Delivery Pipelines to Azure DevOps.
- Created Helm charts for both Back-End and Front-End web projects.
- Managed and maintained Kubernetes clusters using kubectl.
- Optimized Kubernetes pod resource requests and limits to avoid poor performance or Out of Memory errors.
- Automated horizontal pods scaling based on the resources used by them.
- Deployed self-managed solutions like RabbitMQ, MongoDB, IPFS, Prometheus, Graphana in Kubernetes clusters.
- Configured health probes on Kubernetes workloads.
- Troubleshoot pod errors checking logs, events, port-forwarding, debug.
- Created and mounted secrets and configmaps in Kubernetes workloads.
- Configured private and public Nginx Ingress controllers.
- Managed Kubernetes volumes and persistent volume claims.
- Configured Kubernetes cronjobs that perform cluster management actions.
- Configured CoreDNS in Azure Kubernetes Service.
- Utilized Terraform to deploy Microsoft Azure resources like Azure Kubernetes clusters, Azure Front Door, Azure Web Application Firewall, and Azure Functions.
Back-End Code Development
- Created and maintained Node.js Back-End projects using Express and NestJS frameworks.
- Created and maintained C# Back-End projects using .NET.
- Created and maintained open-source Go Back-End projects using Gin framework.
- Detected memory leaks in C# projects.
- Implemented RabbitMQ messaging in C# Projects.
- Implemented Webhooks.
- Utilized technologies like GraphQL, Entity Framework, IdentityServer4.
Software Architecture
- Implemented GraphQL Schema Stitching in C# projects.
- Implemented the transactional Outbox Pattern.
- Implemented the Repository Pattern and Unit of Work.
- Utilized Microservices Architecture.
- Implemented the Aggregator Pattern.
- Currently implementing the SAGA Pattern with orchestration for distributed transactions.
I contribute to the community by writing open-source projects, self-hosted solutions, and automation scripts. Always looking for innovative open-source projects to collaborate on.
- Created a dotfiles script to setup a development environment in Microsoft Windows 11 using PowerShell: Dotfiles-for-Windows-11
- Created and published PowerShell tools: PSWebSearch, PSWindowsDotfiles
- Created an Ansible playbook to setup a development environment in Debian based systems: ansible-workstation
- Created CLI tools for NAS systems using Go with Cobra-CLI: checksum-utils
Open-Source Projects
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